Friday, 2 September 2011

PURPLE? my heart will goes ON and ON with PURPLE

Salam Aidil Fitri 1432H

"Bila tiba hari raya.....semua insan bergumbira...tetapi bagi diriku, hanya kesedihan yang menyelubungi hidup..."

eh, korangs pernah tak dengar lagu tu? sedih dan pedih kan...tapi buat per raye2 ni nak sedih, kena heppi yippiekan diri sket...kuar air mate xpe masa takbir raye tu sebab kita dah menang besar, berjaya menundukkan hawa nafsu kite, xmakan,xminum,xumpat orang,xbuat jahat...betulkah? kah ? kah? makanya kalau kita SUCCESS jadi hari ini kita wajiblah bergumbire seadanya k...

dah tuo pong masih dpt duit raye lagi weh, makanya haruslah bergumbire, ha3.... (*_^)

cakap pasal raye dah bertahun2 saye suka memilih theme sedondon corak baju or at least sedondon colour baju ngan anak2...n untuk tahun ni kolor PURPLE menjadi pilihan...xpick or decide pun cumanya masa carik2 baju raye SNA & SNB kat PB tempoh hari *(seploh hari seblom raye), modern kurung colour PURPLE ni yg berjaya menjatuhkan hati saye padanya...timo kasih pada AO yg menemani saye memilih baju raye kat anak2... (*_^)

purple??? my heart purple...

i find it extremely soothing and incredibly spiritual...saye suke sgt dikelilingi bende2 yang berwarna purple..saye rase kaler ni sgt cool..and ianya cam menandakan beginning of the day cam bunga "morning glowry tuh" kan ke PURPLE PURPLE & PINK are girls colours too..

             pink + purple = pinple (^_^)

                 red + purple = riple (^_^)

betulkah we all look good in this colours? because we all "girls kan" hek3 (*_^)
  • This is REALLY interesting. Apparently, the word "purple" comes from the Old English word "purpul" . .which is the name of the ancient dye (called Tyrian purple) that was used to make things purple. The dye was made from mucus secretions from the gland of a snail. The snail and its dye became associated with royalty because only the very wealthy could afford it! too funny...

so bleh la saye berlagak cam org kaye skit if pakai colour purple ni even dalam wallet just ade


     then, try imagine if m in yellow....

saye taw yellow is sunrise colour..but i hate this colour..
kalau saye pkai baju kaler kuning,..for sure tenggelam terus saye cam too striking..i dont know why..*(buat2 xtaw ngko tu itam cik kin ooi ;b) i rarely n never use to dress in yellow..huhu..but that day, masa raye bile tengok si cantik manis Shazreena Khan sefamily dress in yellow rase "terpesona and tergoda pulak ;b

dulu saye slalu xnak warne kuning..mak jgn beli..kalau mak beli gak..saye xnak pakai...walaupun kuning tu warna diraja erk...
when I started buying my own clothes, I never bought yellow!I still don't wear it and never will...
but..opps...saye pernah pakaikan SNA dgn yellow colour, nice yeargh ..then I taw, orang yang kulit cerah memang amat sesuai colour kuning.....

yellow might look nice too for those yg pandai menggayakan fesyen...mengcombinasikan colour dress etc try n hahahaha..i love it..i just have a yellow handkerchief....and 2 pcs baju kurung yang berbunga2 kuning...nice ke yellow ni ngn i? ?i have no idea about that and i hope u all have no idea too.maybe it's not my favorite colour in the world but I think 'hate' is kind of harsh..kan...kuning..cyg kamu ketat2.

at last..i have to agreed my eyes..purple is better than yellow... (^_^)

Thanks You readers for reading this...terima kasih juga atas sms2 serta kata2 semangat yang diberikan....yes, this is the 2nd year without HIM and 1st year without my loving uncle Pak No yg bila tiba hari raya xpernah miss menyediakan buluh dan membakar lemang...never...we really miss u
and 1st year without my lovely pa in law too...we really miss u...speechless (T_T)

people who are very nice and kind and sincere...we do MISS U VERY2 much especially during this festival... (T_T) (T_T) (T_T)

Syed Rizaudin 12.01.2010
Mohamad Shukor 25.12.2010
Mohd Rasol 01.05.2011

also too all nenek2 moyang kita dan semua Muslimin & Muslimat di sana....kerana kita juga akan menyusul di suatu saat dan ketika nanti....