The Best thing To Give To Your ENEMY is FORGIVENESS
To Yourself , RESPECT
To an opponent, TOLERANCE
To a friend, YOUR HEART
To your child, A GOOD EXAMPLE
To a father, DEFERENCE
To all men, CHARITY...
okey tajuk entry untuk kali ini dongk...
kadang2 kite macam tak pasti samada kite ni sebenarnye jatuh cinta kat someone or just kite ni jatuh suka je??
kite sendiri pon kadang2 tak pasti sebab kadang2 ade lah jugak kite rasa orang tu macam sweet..bile die buat benda2 yang sweet2 *( bukan suwa suwe good morning yer )...make us feel like touching for one kind and sort and kite rasa macam kite ter fall..tapi tak tau lah fall yang macam kite decided that feeling just satu perasaan suka yang temporary je..just on the middle of the road to kuala lumpur from kuala pilah...*(short distance rite) suka yang tak memberi apa2 makna pon...suka yang langsung tak merubah apa2 pon juge...
sebab tu adenya istilah (kite baik ngan kau bukan bermakna kite nak kat kau)..kite suka kat kau bukan bermakna kite nak kapel ngn kau..kite ambik duit kau sebab memang kite nak amik duit kau bukan sebab cinta or suka wakakaka..*(kejam gila cruel barabus contoh nih :(
#perenggan akhir deleted..tak berkaitan dengan perbincangan..
back to the topic..tapi kadang2 benda2 macam ni tersalah erti..kite beria2 nak hidup dengan seseorang sebab kite rasa kite cintakan dia..but sebenarnye kite just suka je kat dia..
cinta ni biasanya lambat hilang..tapi suka tu cepat je hilang..
and biasanya kalau kite ni betul2 cinta or terjatuh cinta kat orang tu..hari ni..esok..luse..dia perangai macammana pon..kite biasanye dapat menerima dia seadanya..
satu lagi..biasanye kalau kite dah jumpe orang yang benar2 kite cintai..datanglah mahkluk yang macammana pon..kite steady je..sebab bila kite benar2 mencintai someone..memang hati kite cepat stick dengan dia...selamanya...
and kalaulah kite tak sedar yang perasaan tu hanyalah satu perasaan suka yang just hadir at the first time..mata dan hati kite still lagi seperti mencari cari sesuatu...and bile kite jumpa someone better..hati kite tibe2 rase excited eventhough kite dah ade someone special...
Love is when u care about someone more than you care about yourself...
Love is when u still admire about someone even there is nothing special left there...
Like is when u care about someone because of their sweetness and appearance..
Like is when u start complaining about someone just because they are doing something contrary from the first time you meet them..
it is not is just a "like" feeling that will go away like a dust when u meet someone better.. :)
is your love one really love you or they just like you??
I have no answer because I dont know either...because I dont have either...and not plan to feel it either... :p
sesiapa ada extra top up phone... try tanya hantu kak limah for this answer...*(wink wink )*
Kop Kun Kap for reading this entry...
thank you very much...