saye adalah seorang manusia yg dilahirkan tanpa apa2 bakat semulajadi..segan silu dan malu gitu,pendek kata..tangan kaku..suara xsedap..kalau nyanyi picing lari..sebijik cam tengah baca surat khabar...kenapa yea? jangan pernah ada kawan yg ajak saye p karaoke, rugi matilah wang engkau ok....
nak transfer sume kebolehan korang kat saye nih haha..
aritu pernah anak yang bongsu suruh saye lukis ayam..pastu ngn anak sekali dapat D..Padan muka!! sapa suruh malas lagi..senang cite..kalau saye lukis ayam..akan nampak macam lembu..lukis lembu akan nampak macam kereta..lukis kereta..akan nampak macam saye..pelik!
tengok orang yang pandai melukis.kagum sgt.kalau boleh nak cekik sampai mati..pastu boleh claim tu lukisan saye..haha.(bodohnye lawak..) tapi kepada korang yang tangan sgt lucky la..korang cantik saye xjeles ..korang naek ferrari pon xjeles ..gaji korang 60juta sebulan pon xjeles lagi..tapi kalau korang pandai lukis..sumpah cemburu buta celik pun xnampak tahap kejelesan saye, he....
tu jelah nak cerita kat entry ni.
sebenarnya, korang andaikan sendiriklah yea...
saye sangat suka berendam dan berenang-the way to release tensen...mana tau suatu ketika tu masa saye tengah tekun berenang ada sorang manusia tu kata, wah hebatnya kau berenang, 8 kuak baru amik oxygen..hebatlah macam org kat olimpic...leh jadi instructor nih*(kombang idong bek..pasan sekejap) :b
olimpik kau kata saye? olimpik ke olak lempit? ha3..anyway terima kasih atas kekaguman awak ye encik kagum... :) wek...kau berjaya buat saye riak sebentar!!!
satu lagi, hobi gila saye ialah memasak, memasak ni pulak bergantung kpd darjah kebosanan dan kemerengan..semakin bosan,semakin banyak menu yg saye masak dan bila perasaan mereng menjelma, semakin ngtah ape2 juadah yg saye masak..tapi yg heran..bila kasi je kat jiran atau tukang2 mangsa merasa ...asyik dipuji jeh..owh apakah dan kenapakah???
btw, ni lah hasil lukisan saye arini untuk logo tadika kawan saye tuh:
nak lukis logo kiddy house yg bermaskot kan girrafe ni lukisan asal:
dan inilah hasil lenguh tangan dan kehebatan saye melukis..jeng jeng jeng!!!
anak girrafe tu...nampak x? xnampak korang buta :b
ni lukisan mama giraffe pada "sterofoam" spelling betulkah? somebody handsome pls correct me if i am wrong :b
esok leh boh kat bumbung kindy's house..syukur ALHAMDULILLAH :)
kenapa macam sejibik dan cantik sangat?? MACAM XPERCAYA PUN ADA...ikhlas sangat kot tu yg result with flying and coloring color... :b
tension sgt bila dipuji akan bakat seni yang terpendam yang satu ini.. tiba2 rasa bersyukur dan sedikit bangga,rupa2nya saye ada juga bakat terpendam yang org len xpandai mcm saye :) wek...takburnya....
leaving u with this, always be confidence for what u want to do...and we will never change our LIFE until we change something we do daily..The secret of success is found in our daily always explore and try something new in your LIFE!!!
Like an elephant a rope...
kenapa macam sejibik dan cantik sangat?? MACAM XPERCAYA PUN ADA...ikhlas sangat kot tu yg result with flying and coloring color... :b
tension sgt bila dipuji akan bakat seni yang terpendam yang satu ini.. tiba2 rasa bersyukur dan sedikit bangga,rupa2nya saye ada juga bakat terpendam yang org len xpandai mcm saye :) wek...takburnya....
leaving u with this, always be confidence for what u want to do...and we will never change our LIFE until we change something we do daily..The secret of success is found in our daily always explore and try something new in your LIFE!!!
Like an elephant a rope...
it was stuck and stop by their bad experience.... funny but too sad if we as human being never use medula ablongata gift by God to survive....
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.
He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”
The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.
Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?
Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.
thanks for reading this entry.... :)
p/s; sorry disebabkan kadar *enzim emilase dah start soh tdo, brain dah sangat mengatuk....tu yg entry ni sangat berbau riak dan takbur...maafkan saye yah * letih dan mengantuk dan sangat2 rindukan my eldest.......SNA, mama miss u !!! ZZZZZ