Friday, 20 July 2012

Ada Musuh Yang Jujur Lebih Baik Dari Sahabat Yang Munafik ...

salam readers,

Salam ramadhan... :)
Sesungguhnya Ramadhan itu banyak membuka pintu2 kebaikan dan kebajikan...InsyaALLAH...

Let me start with this..Dalam hidup ni..macam2 dah saya lalui gara-gara seorang yang bernama "SAHABAT"..Pengalaman pahit yang kadang2 saya tak mampu nak lupakan walaupun saya berjanji akan melupakan kerana SAKITNYA ditikam dari belakang oleh seorang SAHABAT yg saya percaya dunia akhirat...

just now i saw a quote in internet  "about having an honest enemy is better than having a fake friend".I strongly agree dear ones! Betapa a fake friend can destroy the whole of your life..your future or even your pride..apa yang kite patot takutkan bukannya enemy yang kite ade..but a Fake friend yang kite tak tahu..siapa diantara mereka yang kite percaya menjadi pemusnah kite!

dulu..i always wondering..dari mana MEREKA DAPAT CERITA TENTANG NI???sedangkan saya tak pernah shared something like this only with my best-friend..but untuk meragui orang  yg saya percaya adalah TIDAK  sama sekali kerana i always believed..A FRIEND MUST ALWAYS HONEST..but am wrong...nowadays..saya mmg sgt berhati hati untuk tell something secret unless saya benar2 yakin that friend is my TRUE FRIEND..not a FAKE FRIEND..

so..let me tell u something..sometimes..the nasty rumors that spread around the world about you is created by the one that u trusted the most..especially your best friend..bcoz they know u well more than anybody be careful my dearest reader.

Memang kadang2 bile kite bermusuh dgn somebody kite akan rase sakit ati..i mean maybe ade org yg tak puas hati ngn kita..and mmg kite dh tau dia tu suka kata kat at least kite dh bersedia dengan weapons yg kite ade sebelom dia menyerang kite...but bila difikir fikirkan..baek yg jenis mcm least they honest and said it on our face...i prefer someone come up to me and tell the honest truth in my face(even hati i sakit gile bab*) than somebody (your friend that u trusted the most) who will not be honest and forthright with you and talk about you behind your back. That is where fake comes to. Kawan jenis mcm ni memang jenis mulut manis..muke innocent yang amat depan u,  but talk terribly about you behind your back and spread nasty rumors. conclusion is, Enemies sometimes are better because they are honest with you and they want to tell you straight up in your face and without a shadow character!!!!

memang kadang2 sukar nak terima apa yang musuh kite katakan..sakit and menyakitkan..tapi kalau kite pikir balik2..betul jugak apa yg dia kata or marah tentang kite..Daripada seorang kawan yang suruh kite bersabarlah...yang konon2 support kite...tapi kat belakang kite, macam2 yang dia cakap kat kite..thats why orang cakap..kawan baik kite adalah potensi terbesar untuk memusnahkan kite...

Bebalik kepada diri kite sendiri..jangan jadi KAWAN seperti ini kepada kawan kite..tikam kawan dari belakang adelah perkara yang paling "busuk hati" yang tak dapat diterima..dont do this to your friend..kalau u tak suka..tak setuju..tak nak tolong.tak nak itu..just tell them staright to their face nicely..When someone goes through rough patches in their lives, say something thoughtful and meaningful to them and actually mean it. Don’t just say them for the sake of saying them just to satisfy another person and tell them what they want to hear, be truthful about it and make sure you are who you say you are, and don’t be a FAKE person.

If you have a problem with someone and if you have something to say, say it and do it. Be real to others, be kind to others, don’t be the fake person .dont!!bcoz your "fake

things" that u created may destroy someone life!!!!remember that..
And to u my dear friend, i wont be fake...what i sms U and what i talk in front of u is what my heart really means it!!

Thanks For Reading This Entry That I Copied ;p

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